Barbecue+Reunion @ Pdng Jawa, Shah Alam
Posted by Fiez | Posted in food , reunion | Posted on 11:06 AM
7/11/08 - Organized by Kaiba and Co. a nice barbecue was held at their house located at Pdng Jawa, Shah Alam. Arif, Nizam, Taira, Kaiba, Syuk, Bahari, me and a few more that i don't mention here was there that night. We all share many kind stories from the new working environment to the old school stories and guess who's the famous person that we all always ..hmmm (cant find a better word to discribe him). But, whatever.. he always be a main topic to us.. hehe.
waduh waduh waduh makan enak aja
wah.. seronoknya.. apa khabar sua kawan kawan kita? sia tau kamu umpat sia tue.. si pak cik ka?