Majlis Pelancaran 4 Karya Dr. Syed Husin Ali
Posted by Fiez | Posted in book , event | Posted on 2:39 AM
9/11/2008 - @CARLTON HOLIDAY HOTEL, Shah Alam. Dr. Syed Husin Ali was launched 4 of his book that reproduce and rewrite.The Book is;
1 - Orang Melayu Masalah dan Masa Depannya
2 – Ethnic Relations in Malaysia: Harmony and Conflict
3 – Dua Wajah
4 - Two Faces Detention Without TrialKhalid Ibrahim give his view for the first book. The second book is view by Dr.Lim Teck Ghee and Said Zahari give his view for the 3rd and 4th books. DSAI give an opening speech for the ceremony.
rajin betul nie budak p attend benda benda mcm nie bah kan.... haisshhhh
wah, hebat bergambar dgn dr. syed. berapa buku dia yang ko beli..itu pun kalo ko beli laaa...
insya'allah suatu hari akan jadi pemimpin negara,kita doakan bersama
Maika, Kita kena ambil tau hal ehwal negara nie. Terutama segala isu penting.
Mosmadean, ada beli tau!,"Melayu Masalah & Masa Depan.
singafrika, Bagi membela bangsa Melaysia...